
July 21, 2005

i couldn't resist thinking about napoleon dynamite when i saw this little creature at a nearby vineyard/farm...

tina come git yur dinner!


July 20, 2005

i finished "harry potter and the half-blood prince" a few days ago, and have been trying to overcome an unfortunate (though, let's face it, predictable) plot twist paralleling gandalf's fight with the balrog in the "lord of the rings" trilogy. except i don't think this one will turn out quite so well. and clearly, i have too much time on my hands at the moment...


July 16, 2005

breaking news: i am now the proud owner of one "harry potter and the half-blood prince" book as of 1:02am!

yes, i went to traverse city's own version of "diagon alley" as our lovely front street sectioned off for a h.p. bash from 11:30 'til now along with hundreds of moderate to fanatic readers (i.e. those who are quite sure that they are, in fact, hogwarts students/professors...yes these folks do walk among us-- i have met them and enjoyed their...enthusiasm). no, i did not dress up as harry or professor snape (though to be honest, i don't look unlike an older green-eyed version of hermione). so no broomsticks, quidditch robes, golden snitches or wands for me. just a healthy interest in literature. (just needed to clear that up). now i'm off to bed, but not before a chapter or two. or maybe the whole book... :)


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